Are we saving the WRONG BEES ?
Are we saving the WRONG BEES ?
The Role of Honeybees and Pollinators
“There are more honeybees on the planet today than at any time in history”
“Keeping honeybees to save the bees is akin to raising chickens to save birds”
The Real Pollination Heroes: Wild Bees
Take squash bees, for example. They are perfectly suited to pollinate squash plants, which bloom early in the morning when honeybees are still inactive. Similarly, crops like tomatoes, potatoes, and brinjals require wild pollinators like bumblebees, which produce a vibrating buzz to release pollen, a skill honeybees lack.
The Decline of Wild Bees
Supporting Wild Bees and Sustainable Agriculture
Himflavours' Commitment
Supporting small-scale, diverse farmers helps sustain traditional agricultural practices that benefit wild bees. These practices are more sustainable and beneficial for wild bees than commercial large scale production of honey which is generally done using non-native Italian bee called Apis mallifera. By fostering a diverse ecosystem, we can ensure higher yields of cultivated plants, thanks to the variety of pollinators.
While the plight of the honeybee has garnered much attention, it’s crucial to understand that
“honeybees are not at risk of extinction”
At Himflavours, we are committed to promoting the well-being of all pollinators, not just honeybees. Through our products and practices, we strive to create a positive impact on the environment and support the vital role of pollinators in our food system.
Join us in making a difference. Plant diverse, native flowers, support sustainable agriculture, and together, let’s truly save the bees
Debunking Common Myths About Honey
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Are we saving the WRONG BEES ?
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